Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One Plumb Job...

I had to call a plumber for help recently and it got me to wondering what a tough job it must be to actually look like a plumber.  I mean, they all have to have that similar look, right?  You know the one: "Excuse me, Mr. Plumber, how do you get your jeans to fall below the hips like that?"  (I hope it's okay to ask such questions)  From what I understand, it's in the union contract that plumbers have to reveal just enough of their backsides to become full fledged members of their profession.  ( Hence the shocked look on many housewives' faces...) It's my understanding that plumbers get their pants from a jeans designer in Dusseldorf  -- or is it Downtown Disney? -- who makes sure all of his jeans reveal a... uh... fault lineAnother interesting tidbit is that most plumbers use their backsides for ID pictures these days since their faces are hardly seen anyway... "Crack a big smile for me, okay?"  Since I have nothing better to do, I wonder if there are special classes to train plumbers to lean over  just the right way.  "Don't forget to bend your knees."  Then again, maybe plumbers do pilates so their bodies can contort in all sorts of ways to get that maximum 'plumber's look.'  "Say, how do you do that?" Whatever the case, I'm intrigued by the effort it takes to look like an honest-to-goodness plumber (Not that I'd ever want to dress up like one)"Hey, where'd you get those steel-toe shoes?  -- they're kinda cute."  Now that I think about it, there are some attractive perks that go with the job -- like working with some very exotic animals... "Do me a favor, reach over and get me that monkey wrench, will ya?"

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