Monday, January 24, 2011

Go back and walk!

Okay, so we get a treadmill.  For what?  To run away from my creditors?  "Hey, get back here, you!"  I just don't need any distractions right now.  None.  "Run, Forrest, run!"  I need to write. How can I do that if there's exercise equipment staring me in the face?  I mean, if there's a way that I can run while working on the laptop, fine.  Otherwise, that treadmill's just going to bring stress into my life and you know what the results will be-- WRITER'S BLOCK!  Great...  Maybe if I learn to balance the laptop on my head while I'm working out... "I smell something burning..."  Maybe not such a good idea... Well, I better get back to writing that script-- right after I visit the refrigerator... "Expiration dates are so overrated..." Til next time... "I don't remember salami tasting this way before..."

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