Sunday, February 26, 2012

"It's a boy -- girl -- don't forget to turn!"

I'd like to share some information with you: As some of you may know -- maybe all of you are aware -- we live in the Information Age.  That means, information comes flooding in from the unlikeliest  of places sometimes.  "People don't want to see that!"  Don't think so?  How about the husband who recorded his wife delivering their baby... while driving to the hospital... (talk about multi-tasking)  "Honey, this isn't my best side."  Come on, expectant daddy, was that really necessary?  "Would you keep your eyes on the road! -- and paws on the steering wheel!" With that reckless attitude, it's a miracle parents and baby made it  to the hospital in one piece.  "Not too smart, Mister."  I wouldn't be surprised if in the middle of all the chaos, the guy  identified the placenta as an airbag.   "How do I put this thing back?"  Unbelievable.  Daddy Driver should've had his license revoked if you ask me... "We won't ask you."  He's lucky an unforgiving cop didn't pull him over.  "I gotta call Sarge about this..."  That's the problem with our society today, everybody wants to be the next Spielberg -- regardless of what the DMV may think.  "I think you missed a red light."  I'm just glad my teen daughter -- a newbie driver -- didn't witness the scene.  I don't know what she would've done... "What in the world..."  She could've been traumatized for life.  "I don't ever, ever want to drive again, Daddy... And I'm not gonna let boys near me!"  :)

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